Fines imposed on political parties amount to 19 million pesos; Science and Technology: IEEQ – Information Manuscript

In connection with this resource, the Interim President of IEEQ informed that once the resources are acquired, they are handed over to Conciteq

Political party fines It reached nearly 19 million pesos between last year and so far thisMaria Pérez Cepeda, Interim President of the Electoral Institute of Queretaro State (IEEQ), confirmed that the resources are being sent to the Institute of Science and Technology of Queretaro State (Conciteq)

What is done with the fines is hand them over to Conciteq, they go to science and technology. Last year Conciteq gave us about 13 million pesos in fine and this year we gave them the first installment and we’re about to give them another payment that will go more or less, between the two, at 6 million.”, which amounts to about 19 million pesos, Perez reported.

With regard to this resource, the interim head of the IEEQ reported that once the resources are obtained, they are handed over to this body. He added that Conciteq “He dedicates them to their science and technology programmes, but they always inform which projects they go to“.

In this sense, the official explained that the National Electoral Institute sends the fines and that the local institute is responsible for making cuts to the budget allocated by the state to political parties. on, It stated that all political parties registered in the state committed acts that led to fines in the last electoral process what or what”Should do with not checking properly (resources used)‘, among other things.

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Every month we (IEEQ) deduct your perks. But the last electoral process is running out. Morena had a residual, and up to 12 million pesos had to be returned, but she also had fines; PAN brings fines; They all bring real fines‘, he confirmed.

Perez Cepeda also added that the institute has authority Reserving up to 50 percent of the budget for political partiesExisting fines will be divided and deducted as they are notified in chronological order“.

This information is not updated month by month. Currently, the National Electoral Institute has just approved the Consolidated Opinions for Oversight of the Previous Electoral Process, and all of these fines are levied because we collect the ones we had before. They line up to be uploaded month after month of their privileges“.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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