Find out the requirements for Mexicans who want to travel to Canada

Undoubtedly, the whole world began to normalize, and in fact several countries began to reopen their borders not only for basic things, but so that people could travel again and revitalize tourism; Such is the case in Canada, which is one of the most anticipated destinations for Mexicans.

The COVID-19 pandemic and border closures have unleashed complex and varied crises, affecting not only tourism, but also the economy of the many Mexican families who travel to the United States and Canada for work seasonally.

What are the requirements to travel to Canada?

For a month, the Canadian government agreed to reopen its borders so that Mexicans and other foreigners could travel as tourists to the country, as long as they had the following requirements.

In a mandatory manner, Canada continues to require without change or novelty that all foreigners hold a Canadian passport and visa or eTA, which can be obtained online.

Mexicans and 40 other nationalities are exempt from a visa to travel to Canada, but instead they must submit an eTA, and to process it is only necessary to have a passport, email address, and a debit or credit card.

Likewise, everyone must comply with the regulations set by both the airline itself and the immigration authorities when boarding and disembarking an aircraft or car.

Given the context of the pandemic, all airports and border points will be able to randomly test travelers for COVID-19, which must be done within 24 hours of arriving in Canada. In the case of positive, it is necessary to call the numbers of the medical service.

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What vaccinations can you take to Canada?

The main and most important requirement at this time of the pandemic is vaccination against COVID-19, likewise, the full vaccination scheme must be submitted with one of the four approved vaccines by Canada:

  • Pfizer-Biwantech
  • AstraZeneca Oxford
  • Moderna Company
  • Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)

The authorities have confirmed that if you have a combination of vaccinations among the first three, you can also enter the country.

Unfortunately, no further vaccinated dose will be valid, meaning that all Mexicans who have received Sinovac, Sputnik V and CanSino will not be able to enter Canada even if their documents are in order.

Since vaccination against COVID-19 in children has not been started, only those under the age of 12 are exempted from submitting the vaccination schedule. What it does is that all people over the age of 5 must submit a PCR test, which is performed by a lab, government health center or private medical institution, 72 hours before they travel to Canada.

Likewise, it is essential that you do not have symptoms or have contracted the Coronavirus, and upload the vaccination receipt on the ArriveCAN platform previously translated into English or French in PDF, PNG or JPG-JPEG format. It is recommended that you also upload the original receipt for reference. In the absence of it, the traveler is subject to a 14-day quarantine during which tests for SARS-CoV-2 are taken, which must be negative.

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Sacha Woodward

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