Famous writer Stephen King praises and recommends the horror film of this Huelva actor

David Parejaan actor and comedian from Huelva, won an award in the United States for his role in a horror film that he himself made It has been highly praised and recommended by Stephen King To all his followers: “You've never seen a film as dark as this one. It's awesome fun!This is the trailer for it and the platform you can see now.

This actor from Huelva, known for sharing high-impact comedic content on his social networks, also has great acting talent in other genres such as horror. Good evidence of this is his recent disturbing film The Dining Room Table, a “very black” comedy, for which he won an Oscar. Best Performance Award in it Apocalyptic Hope Festival 2024 from the United States.

But regardless Positive reviews Which can be read on platforms like Attraction movie Among this film directed by Kay Casas, there is one that has particularly excited both David Pareja and the national press, and it is only a recommendation from One of the most famous horror writers of all time:King Stephen.

The famous American author left a very positive comment on social networks about the movie The Dining Room Table, praising this Spanish black comedy. This is what he said in his tweet: “There's a Spanish movie called 'The Dining Room Table' on Amazon Prime and Apple+, I think Never, not once in your life, have you seen such a dark movie. How are you. It's terrible and also very funny. “Think of the Coen brothers’ darkest dreams.”.

A tweet to which David Pareja responded in his trademark tone of humor, thanking him for this tremendous honor (and promotion). It's no surprise that we've learned about the Author Details, since “The Dining Room Table” can't be watched on any streaming platform. Stream ing our country, and Thanks to the American writer's tweet, it is now possible to watch it in Spain A few days ago Two films.

Reviews and comments from those who saw this film by the Huelva native did not take long to come and they praised it like Stephen King: “I'm really telling you that I've never spent so much time squirming on the couch While watching a movie. It's very uncomfortable, painful and scary. “Everything in the best way.”.

We'll have to check that out and see how our Huelva compatriot does in this one The latest success of Spanish cinema. We leave it to you Tractor the next!

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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