Citizens arrive in Canada in search of a better future

Due to the lack of opportunities prevailing in Paraguay and in search of a better future, a group of Paraguayans went to Canada to work for a transnational meat company. They experienced a warm welcome from their compatriots who have lived in the North American country for several years.

Edgar Vera Paredes, a Paraguayan who lived for many years in Brooks, Alberta, Canada, told us that they had received a group of citizens who had come to that country in search of a better future.

“They are employed by a company called JBS FOOD, which is a transnational company. The owners are Brazilians and they are large companies with about 5,000 workers. Here our citizens are hired to do meat work,” he explained.

Vera Paredes also explained that the aforementioned company is responsible for slaughtering between 4,000 and 5,000 animals daily. “They do the entire packaging process. It is meat for national consumption here and for export as well.

“For the first time, the phenomenon of hiring Paraguayans is happening. 99.9% of the workers in that company are foreigners. For many decades, they have been bringing in people from Africa, but they are also diversifying. Recently, they are bringing in people from Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and others,” he noted.

According to the citizen, this time JBS FOOD selected workers from Paraguay and hired a Mexican company, a consulting company dedicated to recruiting workers. They moved to Paraguay to carry out the operation since last November. They conducted the appeal and 1,500 files were submitted, from which 54 people were selected.

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He noted that they are “professional knife makers (nationals) who have been working in this sector for several years, and many of whom are currently still working in Paraguay in various meat processing plants.”

It should be noted that the company, which is located in Brooks, Alberta, had a factory in Concepcion, so they already know the work and dedication of Paraguayan citizens. “They like the Paraguayan workers very much.”

The first group of Paraguayan troops arrived in Canada last Sunday, April 28, while the other groups will not arrive until the end of May. “The plan is that by the end of May, the total number of people selected will be here.”

The citizen workers were welcomed with Paraguayan flags and most people were wearing peroja shirts and T-shirts from various local football clubs. “We were very tired. We saw the new arrivals getting excited.”

They arrived with immigration papers in order, a two-year contract with the possibility of extension and an important package of benefits.

“We will accompany these citizens for their social integration,” Vera Paredes claimed.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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