Changing government position on Nicaragua: “There is no clean democracy with political prisoners”

The national government questioned The electoral process in Nicaragua, which gave its results as a winner Daniel Ortega For a fourth consecutive term, but despite the change of position, the official spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, Gabriella Cerruti, Avoid condemning the elections.

Argentina realizes that there is no clean democracy with political prisoners and taboos“The national official began saying at a press conference from the government headquarters.”We condemn the violation of human rights in Nicaragua“he added.

Elections in Nicaragua: Argentina demanded “respect for human rights” but insisted on “non-interference”

In this sense, he clarified that the State has accompanied reports Michelle Bachelet in the United Nations and will implement”Argentina Historic Site To accompany and cooperate, which is also what the message of the Organization of American States says, accompanies and cooperates so that the people of Nicaragua can get out of the situation in which they are living.”

Cerrutti’s comments were provided by Advisor Santiago Cafiero Participation in the meeting of the Organization of American States, where it is expected that on the agenda will be the political crisis of the Central American country, the elections of which condemned a large part of the international community.

Gabriella Cerruti, presidential spokeswoman.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs had expressed his position Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. “TEvery country has the right to choose without outside interferenceHe referred to its political, economic and social system, to organize itself in the way that suits it, and to have a duty not to interfere in the affairs of another state.

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The slight change in the situation corresponds to the questions of the president’s government Alberto Fernandez To the administration of Luis Almagro in the Organization of American States, who left the possible implementation of the Democratic Charter of Nicaragua in the hands of the states.

Ortega was re-elected with 75.87% of the vote in what is His fifth and fourth consecutive termsIn the context of the elections, whose legitimacy is questionable due to the arrest of opposition candidates and the removal of three political parties.

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