Catalonia reimposes a 15-day curfew

The Autonomous Community of Catalonia, in Spain, reimposed Night curfew Starting Christmas Eve to fight the surge in Covid-19 cases.

As Euronews points out, it will not be possible to go outside From 1 to 6 amThere will be a limit on home meetings of 10 people. “Nightlife” is closed and restaurant capacity is limited to 50% indoors and in shops, gyms and theaters to 70%.

The measures started on Friday and will last for 15 days, affecting most regionsNew Year’s Eve celebrations in the region, with nearly eight million people.

Curfew from 1 am to 6 am.

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“It’s very complicated, because when we have this here, Tourists no longer come to Barcelona, ​​everything is canceled. We’ve had a good night so far, because we’ve only been with these new restrictions for a day, but now it’s only going to get worse and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get my 31 or the end of the year normally,” explained Jean-Christophe, a pub owner.

One in four people hospitalized in Spain with Covid-19 is in Catalonia. Spain expected the relaxation of festive Christmas, like 80% of its population, that is, 47 million people, has been vaccinated. The percentage rises to 90% when it refers to those over 12 years old.

See: COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the country

The very rapid spread of the micronized variant is starting to put pressure on Spanish hospitals, although experts agree that vaccination continues to significantly reduce the risk of serious disease.

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Spain is once again in the high-risk zone with more than 600 cases per 100,000, more than double the cases accumulated before last year’s winter break.

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