Biden's brother denies the president's involvement in his work

Younger brother of president Joe Biden, James Bidenarrived this Wednesday in Congress Subordinate United State To announce in investigation I organized it Republicans With the aim of bringing the Democrat to account and removing him from office.

but, James Biden He declared that his brother “had absolutely nothing to do” with the family business, refuting accusations that the president lied about a series of family dealings and business ventures in China and Ukraine during his time as Barack Obama's vice president.

“There is no basis for this investigation “Continue,” James concluded his statement, which was held behind closed doors at the request of Republicans.

It is worth noting that in the past the allegations were made by opponents Biden They lost their power after an FBI informant, Alexander SmirnovHe was charged on suspicion of lying to Hunter Bidenson president.

Smirnov falsely accused Joe and Hunter of receiving $5 million in bribes so that a Ukrainian company known as Burisma could avoid legal action.

And then the Public Prosecution United State He reported that Alexander Smirnov He admitted to receiving his information through Russian elements.

Investigations into Hunter did not confirm these accusations, but he became the target of criticism because of the addiction problems he suffers from, which he claims to have overcome.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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