‘An Argentine Crime’ Already Shown on HBO Max, Cordovan Film by Lucas Compina – Notes – Come Watch

Written by Maria Rosa Beltramo.

Morteros’ Cordovan director Lucas Compina has directed “An Argentinian Crime,” a detective thriller that premiered two months ago in theaters across the country and is now available for HBO Max users.

The director was able to demonstrate his solvency in “The Girl Who Cleans”, a modest series, built on a brilliant idea, which had a record number of viewers on public television, and was also sold to the United States and Mexico.

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“Argentine Crime”, narrated by Rinaldo Setcase, is inspired by the 1981 kidnapping of a well-known opponent of the Armenian community in Rosario.

By the time that happens, in the midst of a dictatorship, the first thing close relatives and friends try to find out is whether the businessman’s disappearance is from the work of the military or a vigilante group or if it’s a traditional kidnapping aimed at a large ransom.

The case was assigned to the two secretaries of an investigative court a few weeks before one of them emigrated to Spain. These roles are covered by Matthias Meyer and Nicholas Francilla.

The first believes that it is worth staying in the country and tolerating it until those who have taken power leave by storm. The other, more pragmatic, has his bags packed, convinced that the dark situation he is aware of will last for a long time.

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On the cast of “A Crime…” there’s Dario Grandinette, Luis Locke, Rita Cortez, Alberto Ajaca, Malina Sanchez, and Cesar Bordon, a handful of good actors who manage to keep the story interesting.

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Everything is happening around Christmas, and at least it seems, there are two sectors that are equally interested in an investigation that leads to quick results: the military, ready to apply their methods, and the justice of which Louis Locke has a judge determined to honor the law, even in the midst of a constitutional obfuscation.

Combina made remarks to a news agency celebrating the opportunity to shoot for a major studio (Warner), as well as his ability to direct a cast that includes young actors like Francilla and experienced actors like Loki.

“In the case of chaos – he said – you have to know how to take advantage of that seemingly chaotic moment. Because cinema has moments that seem chaotic, and the police are even more so. I worked very quietly because I knew there was constant support and that decisions were respected, and that there were also Other directors from other regions blaspheme the same movie. I had that feeling until the end.”

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In the film, officials follow the kidnapping of the son of an important textile businessman from the Armenian community in Rosario. In the face of public pressure, the military government is in a hurry to solve the case before Christmas Eve, which is why it is providing a task force for judicial officials.

It is interesting to see the contrast between the search for evidence and the leads followed by the court staff and the way the paramilitary groups “work”.

The suspect is a lawyer and a former prisoner, the role of which was played by Dario Grandinetti, in which they showed him one of the torture sessions that made the Argentine military regime known throughout the world.

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Despite the military environment of the year in which the events occurred, the film directed by Compina is a classic policeman and does not attempt to investigate the military government.

What is there a strange coincidence in a scene with another film “Argentina, 1985”. In the case of Santiago Miter, prosecutor Julio Cesar Strasera found a bullet in his apartment, the classic method of threatening to kill.

In “An Argentinian Crime,” the judge playing Luque was checking that his tire was punctured, and when he opened the trunk to remove the spare tire, he found a chuck and a bullet.

The setting, the stage in which the events take place, and the court corridors are the common points of both films, but this is where the coincidences and, surely, the goals of one and another film end.

“Argentine Crime” is nothing more than a detective movie but with all the elements that make the genre so popular.

Terry Alexander

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