All you need to know about counseling about the army staying on the streets

The Mexican government will ask citizens for their views on whether the armed forces should continue to lead public security. (Photo: GRACIELA LÓPEZ / CUARTOSCURO)

Amid controversy and conflicting opinions about the security strategy of the government of Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLOOn Tuesday, September 27, a poll was confirmed to obtain the opinion of Mexicans on the performance of the armed forces when carrying out public security tasks.

During a press conference presented in the Senate of the Republic, the Minister of Interior Adam Augusto Lopez Hernandez He emphasized that this exercise is not really a popular consultation, as the National Elections Institute (INE) will not participate.

Instead, he noted, “What will be celebrated and which we have already announced and presented today is The practice of democratic participation To ask people if they want the Civil Guard and the Minister of National Defense (Our master) and the Navy [de México] It will continue until 2028 in security work.”

Mexicans will be able to express if they agree with the proposal to extend the presence of the army in the streets.  (Photo: GRACIELA LÓPEZ / CUARTOSCURO)
Mexicans will be able to express if they agree with the proposal to extend the presence of the army in the streets. (Photo: GRACIELA LÓPEZ / CUARTOSCURO)

As part of this exercise, residents will be asked three questions:

1) “Do you agree to Establishment and performance of the National Guard Until now? ‘, where you can only answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

2) “Do you think the armed forces, army and navy should continue to carry out public security work until 2028 or return to their barracks in March 2024?” Possible answers in this section would be “yes (to remain until 2028)” or “no (to return to their barracks in March 2024)”.

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3) “What do you think about the National Guard becoming part of the Ministry of National Defense or subordinate to the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Public Security?” In this case, the possible answers would be “Keep it in Sedena“,” This depends on Segob ” or “This depends on the Ministry of Public Security and protect the citizen.

Questions suggested by AMLO for popular consultation.  Photo: Infobae
Questions suggested by AMLO for popular consultation. Photo: Infobae

According to the head of Segob, this process will take place in Sunday January 22, 2023. Anyone interested in participating can do so in person at The box next to your electoral section. According to official information, there will be a reception point for opinions in each of the existing 68,989 divisions.

This will be the day of the engagement exercise From eight in the morning until six in the evening. On the other hand, you can also vote electronically Through the system that the government will implement on that date, which will be linked to the CURP of each citizen.

Although he did not provide an estimate of the resources that would be devoted to this operation, Adán Augusto López emphasized that the economic “hit” that this operation would inflict would be minimal.

“Practically will not cost the treasury”Advance, as tickets will be printed at Graphic Workshops in Mexico.

It must be remembered that one of the greatest controversies surrounding the abolition of the Mandate derives precisely from the budget envisaged for it. Since the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit refused to grant the National Electoral Institute a loan of 1,738.9 million pesos, the electoral authority did not have the resources it had expected.

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Because of these cuts, for the operation that took place on April 10, a third of the funds considered were installed for the entire national territory.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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