A new science fiction anime to watch on Netflix

Netflix He continues to expand his chain catalog and this time he does so with Aden, Which is a CGI anime that mixes science fiction and fantasy to depict the end of humanity in a world dominated by robots.

Produced by CGCG Studio Inc. And Qubic Pictures, this work was directed by Yasuhiro Airi (Responsible for having an animation Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodAnd it was written by Kimiko Ueno that puts us in the distant future, where there is a city called Aden, “It has only been inhabited by robots since humans disappeared thousands of years ago“.

“day, E92 and A37 mistakenly find and wake up a young human girl named Sarah, which makes them question everything that has driven them so far to believe. They immediately decided to adopt it and raise it in a safe place outside Aden. But who is Sarah? How and why would it emerge now if humans ceased to exist long ago? It reads the live broadcast giant’s official description of its new product.

Eden – Picture: Netflix

As if raising Sarah was not a sufficient responsibility, The robot duo must fight against the villain of the story, Zero, And his army, who intend to preserve their ideal world without humans at any cost.

Aden He has a fairly strong creation team, betting on main characters in the animation world like Toshihiro Kawamoto, who has already played this role in anime productions like Cowboy Bebop s Noragami; Christophe Ferreira (blindAnd the Siesta Princess) And Clover Xie, who were responsible for bringing the story to life with the style of their drawing.

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In addition, Kevin Penkin took on the task of ringing the series’ soundtrack, whose characters were played by Kyôko Hikami (A37), Kentaro Ito (E92), Marika Kôno (Sara) and Kôichi Yamadera (Zero).

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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