A giant satellite will fall somewhere on Earth

The European Agency describes the process as: “Natural and safe”. The chances of someone being injured by a satellite fragment is 1 in 100 billion. It is also more likely to fall into the ocean. The European Space Agency confirms that if any piece survives, it will not contain toxic or radioactive materials.


These days the satellite was captured by Heo Space entering the atmosphere.HEO SPACE

Together with its twin ERS-1, launched four years ago, ERS-2 has collected a wealth of valuable data on climate change, the retreat of polar ice, changes in the Earth's surface, rising sea levels, warming seas and oceans and climate change. . Atmospheric chemistry. It was also spotted Natural disasers Such as floods or earthquakes in remote areas of the world. When the ERS-2 satellite was launched, climate change was less appreciated and understood than it is today, but its data provided scientists with an early understanding of human impact on the planet.

Both satellites are equipped with an impressive array of instruments including a synthetic aperture imaging radar, a radar altimeter and other powerful sensors to measure ocean surface temperature and offshore winds. ERS-2 also contains an additional sensor for measuring atmospheric ozone. Your data continues to be used today and is available at Heritage Space Program From the European Space Agency.

Satellite history

Satellite exposure 66 maneuver from orbit between July and August 2011, thus completing its mission. These maneuvers consumed the satellite's remaining fuel and reduced its average altitude from 785 kilometers to approximately 573 kilometers, greatly reducing the risk of collision with other satellites or space debris, and also ensuring that the satellite's orbit decayed quickly enough to reenter the atmosphere. In the next 15 years.

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With each satellite launch, the management and safe disposal of space debris becomes increasingly critical, with the aim of mitigating the accumulation of further space debris.

Australian company Welcome.which collaborates with the British Space Agency, took images of ERS-2 orbiting during its reentry on January 14, 28 and 29, as well as on February 3, when it was about to reach Earth. 300 km altitude. Last week, its height reached 200 kilometers and began falling at a speed of about 10 kilometers per day. Its descent speed will increase rapidly, and when it reaches 80 kilometers, it will begin to break apart into pieces.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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