A 7.4 earthquake was recorded in Michoacan, which was felt in Mexico City

People left their homes and offices upon hearing the CDMX seismic warning (Image: Exclusive)

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake shook and frightened citizens after the daily lives of millions of Mexico City residents came to a standstill at 12:19 p.m. Monday. September 19 when In all the loudspeakers in the central region of the country, a seismic alert began to soundas shown The start of traditional national training already for 2022.

Data from the National Seismological Center indicated that the true epicenter of the earthquake occurred at 1:05 p.m. It was located south of Colcumen, Michoacan. Telluric movement began about 37 kilometers southeast of the municipality of Aquila at a depth of about 15.1 kilometers, according to USGS data.

It was so from the bowels of tall buildings on the Avenida Reforma and even in the farthest elementary schools in the suburbs of Mexico City, Millions of Mexican men and women of all ages have evacuated their homes, classrooms, and workplaces on nearly two consecutive occasions to pursue both prevention exercise and a real earthquake.

Nervousness and panic were felt on some people’s faces because of The simple sound of the seismic warning triggered the two’s memories Major earthquakes that occurred in the country: One from 1985 37 years ago and the other from five years ago 2017.

The seismic warning sounded in central Mexico (Photo: MOISÉS PABLO / CUARTOSCURO.COM)
The seismic warning sounded in central Mexico (Photo: MOISÉS PABLO / CUARTOSCURO.COM)

You may be interested: 7.4 earthquake hit Mexico

An earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale was recorded on the coasts of Guerrero and Michoacan 42 km northwest of La Mira, Michoacan, at a depth of 16 km It was the default scenario Under it, an important preventive exercise was carried out in the framework of the National Civil Protection Day.

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According to information from the 2022 National Drill, the main states in which the seismic alert was activated were:

Mexico City

State of Mexico








It is worth noting that not in all the municipalities of the mentioned entities this was felt, however, in what refers to Mexico City About 14,000 speakers resounded in unison at 12:19 p.m.

The exercise was conducted at 12:19 pm, and it prepares residents to respond efficiently and in a timely manner to emergencies or disasters.  (Photo: Andean region)
The exercise was conducted at 12:19 pm, and it prepares residents to respond efficiently and in a timely manner to emergencies or disasters. (Photo: Andean region)

To support citizens in evacuating and coordinating national exercises 2022, about 5,000 public employees, including members of the General Secretariat of the Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection Brigade (SGIRPC) who identified themselves with colored jackets: white for those responsible for providing first aid; The communications brigade was designated green, those who supported evacuation and withdrawal missions wore orange and the fire prevention and combat brigade wore red.

Similarly, in Zócalo is a replica of Structure collapsed in hypothetical earthquake, also simulates gas leak due to landslide; Civil protection personnel and firefighters from Mexico City followed the protocol to attend the aforementioned emergency. Meanwhile, helicopters from the Security Secretariat of Citizens (SSC) flew over the Mexican capital to monitor the exercises.

For her part, the Prime Minister of the Mexican capital said, Claudia SheinbaumNote that Coordinated communication was maintained during training With the Secretariat for Citizen Security (SSC), the Secretariat for National Defense (Sedena) as well as with the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) and the National Guard. It will be a matter of time before the full report is presented by the capital authorities for both the 2022 National Exercises and the real 7.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred at 1:05pm.

First reports indicate that the 2022 national exercise passed without incident (Photo: OVIAL CDMX)
First reports indicate that the 2022 national exercise passed without incident (Photo: OVIAL CDMX)

The first reports provided by the media indicate that The National drill 2022 It passed without inconveniences or accidents, while the information about the real earthquake continues to be updated.

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Likewise, in social networks Netizens started exchanging messages about how they experienced the first moments of training:

“It took Soro and I a minute to get out of the 5th floor, so I think it went well for us, and what I find unfortunate is seeing the indifference of the neighbors because we were the only ones on the street doing this precaution”; 4 dogs, 1 cat and 1 human achieved # National Simulation 2022 In 50 seconds, the strategy is to form habits and have everything always at hand”; “In my building there was bad emergency protocol during # National Simulation 2022. “How they were going to stop the sacred traffic so that they could cross to the safe place,” were some of the comments from users on social networks.

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