Netflix: Till the Sky on the Summit in Italy and the World

What is common now Netflix Italy and the United States? In our weekly view you will find all the answers to your questions. Unfortunately, ratings of the most popular titles from other streaming platforms such as Disney + and Amazon Prime Video cannot be reported correctly because the “Most Popular TV Series” or “Moment Titles” section varies from profile to profile, also according to your own preferences. . . This week it is the movie Up to Heaven (Sky High) to conquer Italy and most of the countries of the world where the live streaming service is available.

he is Netflix Italia This week – debuting at the top of the charts Reach Heaven, The new original Spanish movie on Netflix that tells the story of elngel, a mechanic from the outskirts of Madrid, who falls in love with Estrella and ends up being a thief, who becomes the target of a stubborn detective. The title is also the world’s most watched movie on Netflix this weekend. Secondly, resistant What happened to Sarah?, The Mexican television series that this week topped the US charts … and beyond. The story revolves around Alex who decides to take revenge after being accused of killing his sister and learn more about the true culprit of the crime. Third place for Madame Claude, French drama directed by Sylvie Farhead in the 1960s in Paris. Fourth place for 47 roninAction movie starring Keanu Reeves and directed by Karl Wrench. They come down to the fifth Ertriolantes de Becker Street. Sixth place for VikingsWhere it came down to seventh Jenny and Georgia. They close RiverdaleAnd New Amsterdam I Snow hole.

  1. Up to the sky (Sky High)
  2. What happened to Sarah?
  3. Madame Claude
  4. 47 ronin
  5. Ertriolantes de Becker Street
  6. Vikings
  7. Jenny and Georgia
  8. Riverdale
  9. New Amsterdam
  10. Snow hole
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Here are the top 10 headlines now seen in the United States

  1. What happened to Sarah?
  2. Concrete cowboy
  3. Bed friends
  4. Bad trip
  5. Old stories
  6. Ertriolantes de Becker Street
  7. a snake
  8. White man
  9. Cocomelon
  10. The sky is high

Here are the 10 most famous movies. all over the world On Netflix now:

Here are the 10 most popular TV series all over the world On Netflix now:

Last week: Netflix: The Baker Street instantly blasts to the top in Italy and the world

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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