Jaime Doran Barba in the middle of a scandal …

From Quito

Jaime Doran Barba She was at the center of what became known in Ecuador as #VacunadosGold. The information that he was vaccinated was published on Friday through the means of the investigation the post, Which published a list of people who would have received the Coronavirus vaccine in an irregular manner. Doran Barba appears there with his brother.

Former political advisor to Mauricio Macri The current campaign advisor to the candidate Guillermo Lasso Thus, he was involved in a national scandal affecting personalities close to the current government or areas of power. This is the case, for example, of Defense Minister Oswaldo Garin, former President Oswaldo Hurtado, former Minister of Economy, Pablo Peter, or the President of the University of the Americas, Carlos Larretigi, who appeared on the list.

Doran Barba and Hurtado have denied vaccinating them. For his part, Laso stressed that he, his wife, or anyone from the staff had not been vaccinated infrequently. The scandal of the list, which is still unknown if it is complete and confirmed by various sources, occurred after weeks of speculation about who had been vaccinated in a distinct way in the country, in the context of the successive scandals of the vaccinated without coinciding with their role according to the timetable announced by the government.

Concurrent with the publication of the list, the resignation of the Minister of Health, Rodolfo Farfan, who had been in office for less than twenty days. His short passage was preceded by the passage of Juan Carlos Zefalos, who fled after his resignation at the end of February to Miami, and is being investigated for “alleged crimes against the public administration.”

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As part of the investigations, the Public Prosecutor’s office raided the facilities of the Ministry of Health last Wednesday, and consequently the offices of the Pablo Arturo Suárez Hospital were seized, as it was reported that “reserved lists” of people who were vaccinated during stages 0 and 1, that is, the first two minutes of A vaccination plan.

The vaccination scandal in Ecuador, as part of a government that has already been badly managing the epidemic from the start, has exacerbated the dire situation just weeks before the April 11 elections and the change of government on April 24. It is not yet possible to gauge the impact of Lasso’s nomination, who is influenced by the proximity of Doran Barba who recently joined his campaign team, and who faces Andres Arouse, the candidate of the Citizen Revolution, who won the first election round on February 7.

Freddie Dawson

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