The state of health emergency continues until 31 …

Late evening, The national government extended the state of health emergency until December 31, Through Decree 167 published today in the Official Gazette. At a meeting held yesterday in Casa Rosada, new restrictions were identified that were reflected in this decree. The government will reduce flights to various countries to prevent the entry of new strains of the Coronavirus and will tighten controls on those who must travel to comply with the strict seven-day quarantine.. Yesterday, a meeting took place between Interior Ministry officials, Minister of Health, Carla Vizotti, Minister of Tourism and Sports, Matthias Lameens, and National Director of Immigration, Florencia Carignano. Then Vizotti commented on his concern about the increase in cases in neighboring countries and the new strains spreading in the world.

Flights will be restricted to the countries most affected by the new strains of the virus. They will include Brazil, the United States, Colombia and Chile, as well as some European countries. “We will again advise everyone not to travel if it is not necessary, if you do not need to travel for work or health.”Developed from the government. They also explained that, “When these people return, they will have to go into quarantine for a period of seven days People who visit mandatory PCR tests to enter the country will be criminally condemned“.

The extension of the state of emergency enables the Ministry of Health, depending on the development of the epidemiological situation, to do so Recommending suspending or reducing the frequencies of international passenger transport services by air, sea, river and land, as well as suspending destinations.

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“In fact, there will be a decrease in the number of flights that were already in place to different places of interest to the Ministry of Health. Especially Brazil. We will not cancel or implement the routes. The borders are closed, but we will pay more attention to the entry of Argentines,” Carignaneo said in an interview with 750. In the words of the immigration director.

Regarding citizen liability, Carignano commented that no matter how much the government recommends people not travel abroad if not due to force majeure, Argentines travel the same way and, in many cases, do not implement mandatory quarantines, and some even visit PCR tests. . “We ask that they please not travel to countries where there are different strains, and if they decide to do so, they will have to do the corresponding quarantine.”

Regarding faulty PCR reports, Carignano stressed, “We have filed criminal complaints and they will have to respond. If you don’t want to take care of yourself, that’s fine, but you have to understand that a new strain is entering the country that has no community circulation.” In this context, he indicated that the Minister of Health had asked her peers in different governorates to have more control over quarantine after foreign trips.

A director said, “Many people entered the country with a negative PCR, yet the virus was detected after five days, so it is important that they quarantine to make sure that there is no new strain in their bodies and they enter the country.” Immigration. The wallet led by Vizzotti is on alert as there are more than 7,500 Argentines currently in Brazil who will have to be closely monitored upon their return.

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Carignano reports that the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, wants there to be strict control over the returnees, and although federal force controls are currently haphazard, they will now require the provinces to control who returns. Corresponding quarantine procedure. He said, “The police will arrive at the home of those who traveled and verify their commitment to isolation, as was the case in the beginning.”

Freddie Dawson

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