How to recognize a photo taken by artificial intelligence on social networks

Images created using artificial intelligence often express futuristic aspects that do not exist in this era. (picture information)

The proliferation of AI-generated images on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and digital platforms is modifying our perception of visual veracity, forcing users to develop new skills to distinguish between real images and those manufactured by algorithms.

These skills, essential in the age of disinformation, include specific techniques for detecting anomalies that could indicate AI interference in the creation of visual content.

Below we provide several points to consider Which images are human creations and which are modified or manufactured by artificial intelligence.

AI images often contain sequences that may not be very clear in a normal image. (Illustrative image)

As is known, in the current digital era, images generated by artificial intelligence (AI) on social networks have become increasingly popular, making it difficult to distinguish them from real images. These images, which are often realistic, can be created for various purposes, from entertainment to misinformation.

One of the first points to consider is that images generated by artificial intelligence may show anomalies in small details. This includes things like fingers, which may appear misshapen or in the wrong amount, and teeth, which often look too uniform or irregular.

In the same way, AI may have difficulty correctly replicating complex textures and patterns, such as fabrics or natural backgrounds. Unusual repetition of these elements may be an indication that the image was generated by artificial intelligence.

Light and shadow is another element that the AI ​​did not implement in the best way. (picture information)

In addition, AI-generated images often contain errors in the way highlights and shadows are displayed. Unnatural lighting or shadows that do not match the shape of objects can indicate an artificial image.

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AI can generate images in which objects and backgrounds do not follow a coherent perspective. Incorrect scale of objects or illogical arrangement of image elements in space may serve as clues to their variable origin.

Another point is spelling and grammar checking, because the images are generated by artificial intelligence It does not take into account punctuation or errors in words.

Often times, AI images with text don't say anything coherent. (picture information)

Hyper-realistic images generated by AI can make it extremely difficult to distinguish between what is real and what has been edited, which has a direct impact on social media users' perception of reality.

From an ethical point of viewManipulating images through artificial intelligence raises serious concerns. Social media networks, due to their large size and role as platforms for disseminating information, may be affected by this phenomenon, which leads to exacerbation of the problems of misinformation and manipulation of public opinion.

while, Modifying original works without the consent of their creators may constitute copyright infringement.It is a problem that takes on global dimensions in the interconnected digital environment of social networks.

Platforms like YouTube already force creators of certain topics to specify whether their video has been edited by AI. (Image: YouTube blog)

Different apps have monitored these situations that might arise and have implemented different methods and strategies to help their users distinguish between real images and AI creations.

For example, Asian social media network Tik Tok has already created a tag since last year to distinguish posted videos that use artificial intelligence from those that do not.. For its part, Meta, along with Facebook and Instagram, will already implement labels this year to differentiate each case.

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One site that already uses classification is YouTube, which in certain cases such as sensitive topics related to health, politics or economics requires determining whether a video is equipped with artificial intelligence, in order to avoid misinformation.

All of these strategies aim to strengthen trust between creators and their audiences, ensuring greater clarity about the nature of what is being consumed on each platform.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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