Admission to Medicine: Another Hour of Recovery, But Same Difficulties

The Medicine Entrance Exam 2020, which was taken in person one year after the planned date, left different sensations, depending on how you look at it; There is a satisfaction with compliance and discomfort with conditions.

Due to the pandemic, the college had to take all four contents together (text comprehension, biology, physics and chemistry), in three hours, through a multiple choice system. He also demanded that she find a place that could house more than 1,500 people, without risking health, forcing her to forgo comfort. Only a few applicants reached the required 60 floor points goal. Those who did not arrive will have another chance tomorrow at Cordoba Central Club, from 9 to 13 pm.

Dean Matteo Martinez They indicated that they received questions due to the length and difficulty of the exam. Then the Board of Directors of the College of Medicine unanimously decided that the recovery period is four hours as a maximum. There were also voices critical of the lack of offices. “We sacrifice comfort to ensure care; I want to express my apologies if they don’t feel comfortable enough, but I also want to give assurances that they were safe enough,” Martinez told LA GACETA.

The doctor also said that for there to be 1,500 people in a classroom, they need an educational environment with a capacity of 4,500, thus compliance with the protocol. Due to the absence of such infrastructure, two basketball courts (Central Cordoba and Caja Popular de Ahorros) were rented, streets were closed and a “colossal logistics” for biosecurity was implemented. “We had to use the stands because with the chairs we rented, the boys didn’t go in. And nobody rents 1,500 offices, so there was no other alternative,” he said.

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Although only 64% of the 1,492 youngsters enrolled attended, Martinez considered the audition to be face-to-face rather than virtual. “We had no choice but to do one test, because each assessment case puts the safety of 1,600 people at risk. By making it unique, there is a paradox: For some boys, the three-hour test was too long, and another part said the time for 55 questions was short.” .

The dean said that they had a double feeling: On the one hand, satisfaction with their ability to conduct an examination of this magnitude in this context, which required great effort from various sectors; On the other hand, some regret to see that 64% of those registered did not attend and that the number of accredited has decreased (no number was given). He pointed out that the results were not public so as not to infringe on the students as there is a cure. They only said 39% would agree to assimilation; 20% biology; 13% physical; And 9% chemistry.

The Association of Teachers and Researchers of UNT (Adiunt) which he chairs Diego ToscanoThe test results were considered embarrassing due to the difficulty, circumstances, and short examination time. “It was clear that he was looking to maintain the historical income quota,” he said.

Some applicants spoke to this newspaper and agreed that three hours was too little for four subjects, and that the theater hurt them. “Our necks hurt, the situation was uncomfortable. There were boys who passed out.” Augustine. He added, “They tried to make the exam more difficult to keep the class. Most of us feel bad. There are colleagues who do not want to recover. “

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Rosario He believed that the lack of amenities had a major impact on performance. “There were the frontrunners in chairs, others on platforms and there was on the floor. I think that affected focus a lot.” In terms of difficulty, he felt three hours was a short while. “We have come to the point of knowing which issue to solve and which to leave to chance.”

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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