A new type of star could hold the key to the origin of the strongest ‘magnet’ in the universe

Point to the concept of the magnet, because it will be the protagonist of this news.

An AI recreation of a star with a massive magnetic field.

Although when we observe the night sky, we have already shown you tricks to see the stars, all the bright points in the sky appear the same to us, there are many celestial bodies outside the Earth and the solar system. If we talk about stars, for example, Kilonova presents us with a spectacle of gold and platinum. Now, it looks like we might get a an idea to know How they were brought up those known as magnetism.

The star that became the strongest magnet in the universe

Recently, thanks A study published in the journal ScienceWe managed to get close Origin One of the least known stars, the magnetars. We’re talking about neutron stars, those remnants from a supernova explosion, and they are among the densest objects in the universe. However, the magnetism It is not only dense, but has The strongest magnetic field It has not been detected in any cosmic body.

Until now, the origin of these massive magnetic fields was a mystery, until a team of scientists discovered a A new type of astronomical objectwhich was named after A massive helium magnetar. This is not the first time these stars have been spotted in a century, but we are beginning to understand more about their nature.

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The protagonist of this study is the name HD45166 It was only known that it belongs to a binary system and is rich in helium. but, Andre Nicolas CheneyNOIRLab Scientist, guarantee which – which:

For the first time, a strong magnetic field has been detected in a massive helium star. Our study suggests that this helium star will end its days as a magnetar.

the a star It has become an obsession with astronomer Tomer Schnar, lead author of the study, since it was presented Characteristics of a Wolf-Rayet starmassive stars that lose a lot of their mass due to intense stellar winds, along with a unique spectral signature. According to their research, magnetic fields can be found behind its strange features, confirming that the star really possesses it magnetic field Quite exceptionally, it was the largest ever discovered in a massive star with approx 43,000 gauss.

According to the research of this group of scholars, HD45166 It will eventually explode as a bright, though not hyperactive, supernova. This explosion It will lead to the emergence of a neutron star with a magnetic field 100,000 trillion gaussWhich makes it an exceptional magnetar located 3,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. AndrĂ© Nicolas Cheney confirms which – which:

We think the most likely magnetar candidates could come from more massive stars. What this research shows us is that stars that are much less massive can become magnetars, if the conditions are right.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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