Why it is important to create routines for physical and mental health

Trying to go to bed and get up at the same time, eat meals regularly or exercise regularly are some of the habits that doctors recommend to keep your body and mind healthy. Various studies have shown that routine It is essential at all stages of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood.

Psychologist Thomas St. Cecilia He explains that “in many ways, physical and emotional health are part of the same thing: these aspects of life are interconnected, so routines like exercise sports several times a week, Sleeps Sufficient hours or healthy eating have a positive effect on psychological phenomena such as our ability to focus or our ability to maintain control in stressful situations.”

Establishing a routine can help you sleep better, be active or manage stress better and maintain emotional balance.

Control your stress level

An effective routine can help reduce stress, which can improve mental health but also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Maintaining consistent waking and sleeping times can help you rest better. Routines such as your sleep schedule and bedtime habits affect mental alertness, emotional well-being and energy.

In order to eat healthy, you need to plan the time to go shopping. If this planning is not there, you will definitely end up eating a sandwich, some ultra-processed food like frozen pizza or food at home. Taking the time to plan your trip to the grocery store gives you a chance to think about healthy foods and meals that you can incorporate into your daily life.

A daily routine can help you stay active, and an exercise schedule or program can help you manage your time.

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The dangers of “auto mode”

Like everything in this life, routines taken to extremes can also be dangerous. As shown Pedro Urbina In an article by CIPSIA psychologists, a well-established and strict routine can also hide some negative aspects: «Always doing things in a routine way, in the same way and can automatically conflict with improvisation. If we allow the “auto mode” to control our day, we can gradually forget our interests, our passions and our tastes, because they stop demanding our attention and we pass it on automatically. It is easy to fall into a routine and stop doing the things we used to enjoy, to get hung up on the details and deprive ourselves of important reinforcements and rewards.

21 days to create a habit

famous psychologist Brad Brenner, states that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, like a routine. “If you make a new plan and stick to it for three weeks, chances are you will stick to it for the long haul. When it comes to mental health, this is how a daily routine can make a big difference.”

How do you usually get

  1. Set a goal that you would like to achieve for your health.
  2. Pick one simple action that will move you towards your goal and that you can do daily.
  3. Plan when and where you will take the chosen action. Be consistent: Choose when and where you find yourself each day of the week.
  4. Every time you meet that time and place, do the work.
  5. It will get easier with time, and within 10 weeks you should find yourself doing it automatically without even thinking about it.
  6. Congratulations, you’ve made a healthy habit!
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My goal (eg, “eat more fruits and vegetables”) _________________________________________________

My plan (eg, “After lunch at home I will eat a piece of fruit”)

(when and where) ___________________________ I’m going to ___________________________

Source: British Journal of General Practice

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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