Features that Windows 11 dropped by surprise

The operating system has removed an important feature in Explorer. (Unsplash)

unexpectedly, Microsoft I decided to remove a number of features in Explorer Windows 11 operating systemWhich prompted some users to complain about this situation and ask the administrators to cancel the modifications.

The changes have not yet reached the final version of the operating system, but are in beta intended for a certain group of people who have access to the Insiders program.

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This beta includes a large list of changes, but there is one in particular that has sparked the most controversy among users.

now in File browser Removed the ability to hide protected operating system files as well as the ability to always show icons instead of thumbnails.

It was the removal of the first function that caused the most discontent, because users say that its removal is illogical, since it was an alternative that could be activated and deactivated manually, but by completely eliminating it limits the possibilities of many.

Someone in the Windows Feedback Center commented, “If the person who made this change is reading, please undo it.”

The operating system has removed an important feature in Explorer. (Unsplash)
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One problem that those who had access to this initial version say is that registry keys are required to access this functionality which is a process that can confuse a non-expert.

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“These old options are very important! Why remove options based on telemetry when most users aren’t power users? Do you think Windows 11 was for productivity?” said another who criticized the removal of hiding protected files. I really hope developers reverse this change. .

Other options removed from Explorer include:

– Hide folder merge conflicts.

– File icon appears on thumbnails.

– Displays information about the file type in folder suggestions.

Show drive letters.

– Show tooltip for folder and desktop items.

View color-coded or compressed NTFS files.

Use the wizard to share.

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The operating system has removed an important feature in Explorer. (Unsplash)

platform Microsoft Which allows ink to be inserted on Windows devices also had changes in this previous version. One of the major improvements is the ability to enable input directly into editing fields. This means that users can use a pen or stylus to write by hand anywhere writing is possible on the device.

This new feature simplifies the writing experience and allows for more flexibility when taking notes, editing documents, or performing everyday tasks. In addition, work has been done to improve the accuracy of the handwriting recognition technology. With this update, windows ink It is able to more accurately recognize handwritten letters and strokes, resulting in a smoother and more reliable writing experience.

Users can now enjoy greater confidence when using ink on their devices. Another notable addition is the strikethrough gesture, which allows users to make quick and easy adjustments. If something needs to be erased or corrected in your handwritten text, just make a strikethrough gesture with the pen to delete or edit the content. This intuitive gesture simplifies the editing process and brings more convenience to users.

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Currently, these new Windows Ink improvements are only supported in English. However, it is expected that it will be expanded with other languages ​​in the future, which will allow users from different regions to take full advantage of these functions.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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