The Oroño Extension in Independencia Park changes its features

The rearrangement of the road has brought new demarcations, a speed totem and a bike path between 27 de Febrero and Montevideo

The segment of Oroño Street that crosses the Independence Park, between 27 de Febrero and Montevideo, changes its shape from the realignment of roads carried out by the municipality Which includes a new demarcation, a speed totem and the installation of a bike path In an area used daily by thousands of Rosarians, which has led to improvements in the coexistence of various forms of mobility in public spaces.

For this, they merge Bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvementsTraffic lights will be generated and position rearranged. This intervention seeks to respond to the difficulties that people who walk today face when crossing streets, given the high speeds recorded by vehicles in this sector and the long distances they have to cross.

for this reason The interventions prioritize the inclusion of new traffic lights, a new cycle lane in the center of the street, safe pedestrian crossings, speed bumps and modifications to the parking scheme.. Added to this is the installation of the speed totem and the reading of patents. Of the total number of passing vehicles, since the totem was installed, only 1.2 percent have traveled above the permitted speed, with an average speed of 43.4 kilometers per hour, without adjusting for vehicle flow.

Work started in January. With the construction of islands that act as protection and shelter for pedestrians and direct vehicular trafficUnder the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works. Today, civil works involving the construction of flowerbeds and bicycle crossings on the Oroño roundabout and Pellegrini Avenue, as well as the installation of traffic lights and the video-control media totem system, have already been completed and are in operation.

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With regard to the demarcation of spaces on the road, such as parking lots, safe pedestrian paths and a bicycle path, 50 percent progress has already been made. until, Placement of plastic dividers allowing a physical demarcation between the space for cyclists and motorized vehicle circulation has already begun. What remains are the vertical banners.

from the municipality are planning for it All work was completed by the end of June.

point by point

Regarding the peculiarities of road rearrangement, this can be mentioned The bike path is 2.4 kilometers long and will be located in the middle of Oronio StreetWith dual hand circulation mode.

Safe pedestrian crossings consist of widening the pedestrian space at corners, which will shorten distances and crossing times, and improve visibility between pedestrians and drivers. This initiative, which they maintained from Qasr al-Aswad, has already been implemented in more than 20 intersections in the city with “very good reception”.

next to, Full signaling will be implemented for three intersections in the section: in Coronado and Alighieri; Solano Lopez-Logónes; and Cochabamba and Murcello. It is also completed by the cyclist traffic light at the Avenida Pellegrini roundabout.

while, The car park will be maintained on both sides and a new space will be added in the middle of the road.Parallel to the street turn. For the days of events and matches, it is expected that special operations will be created to allow the expansion of the parking area, as is the case, for example, in Avellaneda on the days when the main Rosario Central game is.

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finally, Media totem of the video control system, which is already working, measures the speed of vehicles 100 meters ahead of where they are placed. It should be noted that these devices do not create irregularities.

Freddie Dawson

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