Discord forces you to change your username: How to do it

Usernames will no longer have a numerical designation. (Unsplash)

disagreement He asked all users to change their names within the platform as soon as possible, to make it more natural, easily identifiable and unique.

Since the platform went live, profiles have names that combine letters with a specific number called a discriminator, which has made it difficult to find others within the app and allowed someone else to have the same name, but only change that final number.

This way, the names will stop being XXX #0001 to be simplified to XXXX, which is the format used in most social networks.

The app asked users to make the switch soon, as this will be a condition of access to the platform.

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Usernames will no longer have a numerical designation. (discord)

The first warning he gives disagreement is that profiles will only be able to use Latin letters, a to z, and numbers 0 to 9. In addition, only specific characters such as underscores (_) and periods (.) are allowed.

Name creation will have the following additional requirements:

Must be at least 2 characters long and maximum 32 characters long.

You cannot use two consecutive periods (.).

– It is unique for each user and no two users can share the same username

Another important point is that now the application will contain, on the one hand, a file Usernames, which are considered unique and those identified by “@”. But there will also be names to display (display name), which is how a person will appear when sending messages and more characters and emojis can be used there.

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Usernames will no longer have a numerical designation. (discord)

Discord will start rolling out changes to verified accounts first, then go to users based on their seniority. Nitro subscribers will also get early access.

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Each person will receive a notification to make the edit and by clicking on it they will be able to start the process. But in case you don’t do it this way, it can be done through the app settings.

Change from PC application

1. Go to Settings. 2. Go to My Account. 3. Click the Edit button next to the username. 4. Choose the new name according to the platform terms and save the changes.

Change from the mobile application

1. In the lower right corner, go to the “My Account” button. 2. Check the account box. 3. Navigate to the username and tap on the Edit option. 4. Choose the new name according to the platform terms and save the changes.

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After a long wait, users can already access the app natively from PlayStation 5, to use voice and text chats during game sessions.

This option is located within the Control Panel. links platform, something that also allows users Officials Servers can give roles with more certainty to those they choose, as they will have more assurance in case they have any doubts.

Other applications that will allow you to link the account will be: X-BoxPlay Station, steamEpic Games, Battle.net, League of Legends, Riot Gamesreddit Tik TokTwitter, Youtubetwitch, instagramSpotify FacebookGitHub, Crunchyroll, PayPal, eBay and Discord bots for Destiny 2 (Charlemagne) and Roblox (Bloxlink).

Lovell Loxley

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