red circle The dark side of Canada

  1. international

The North American country gets good press, even more so when compared to the United States, but the police series reminds us that not everything is as they tell us.

Diego Sacchi spoke about these issues in his column on international news on the radio program El Círculo Rojo, broadcast every Thursday from 10 pm to 12 midnight on Radio Con Vos.

A few days ago I finished watching the detective series Three Pines (Tres Pines) whose protagonist is Alfred Molina, surely you know him for the role of Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man.

The series takes us to investigate a series of murders in Quebec, Canada, and if the police plot is very compelling, it is also as interesting as the social plot shows us.

If you said Canada, we would certainly think of a country that has a very good reputation, especially compared to its neighbor, the United States. But the truth is that this North American country also has its dark side and it shows a lot in the series.

From the outset, the Aboriginal peoples issue in Canada centered on two realities: one current, the disappearance of Aboriginal women, and the other historical one related to boarding schools for Aboriginal children,

In the first of the eight seasons, we see a group of women express “What do we want? Justice! When? Now!”. About 1,017 First Nations, Inuit, or mixed-race women and girls were murdered between 1980 and 2012.

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, “Aboriginal women and girls in Canada have been murdered or disappeared at a rate four times the rate of Aboriginal women in the Canadian population, which is 4.3%.”

See also  An aboriginal tribe in Canada searches for more unmarked graves at a former British Columbia residential school.

Another great hero is an old house where a children’s boarding school works, he is the protagonist of many moments, but what happened in those places?

In the 1870s, Canada enacted an Indian Act that allowed the government to, among other things, interfere with the education of children by creating a system of boarding schools run by Christian religious orders.

When they reached the age of five, Aboriginal children were separated from their families, transported thousands of kilometers away, and forced to forget their language and culture. More than 150,000 Aboriginal children have been forced into Christian boarding schools, and the last boarding school closed in 1996.

The harassment they were subjected to emerged as a result of complaints and protests by indigenous peoples. According to a Truth and Reconciliation Commission report released in 2015, around 6,000 Indigenous children died in boarding schools. The committee itself called this “cultural genocide”.

The Indigenous peoples issue goes far beyond Canada, even on major issues such as energy, there have been significant protests against the government’s attempts to use the lands of various nations for the benefit of major oil companies.

I recommend you watch Three Pines, you can find them on HBO, because they have very good performances and a very interesting plot that will lead us to see the dark side of Canada.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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