Alberto Fernandez said they and Joe Biden laughed at Donald Trump: the silence of the United States and the defense of Santiago Cafiero

Alberto Fernandez I looked at the doll donald trump, With a red hat included, he rested at the end of the long wooden table and told his interlocutor: “With [Joe] Biden We laugh a lot about Trump, we both have such a low opinion of him.” THE PRESIDENT’S STORY, LAST NIGHT, IN EXTENSIVE INTERVIEW WITH he Rebord methodwas the answer The silence of the US diplomatic representation in the country And harsh criticism from former officials in the Cambiemos government, who called the president’s remarks “crazy” and anti-diplomatic, in which he also attributed to Biden saying at the bilateral meeting in Washington that he “inherited a muddled economy” from Trump, something Fernandez compared to what he got. Mauricio Macri.

Advisor Santiago Cavero This morning, he denied that the President of the Republic had made a mistake in his statements. In an interview with Urbana Play, Cafiero said, “He doesn’t tell any state secrets. It’s part of something they’ve been sharing for a long time; I think from the first conversation they had, when Biden had won the election. I remember being in that From there is always Fernandez’s negative view of what Trump’s Latin American policy has been, especially since the executing arm has been [Jair] Bolsonaro In Brazil, Macri here is the one who implemented the policies of dismantling the mechanisms of political dialogue.” The chancellor insisted: “It is part of the story. It does not violate any state secret“.

Without expressing an opinion on the president’s statements, the US embassy limited themselves to reminding that the White House issued a statement after the meeting. Nothing in this statement is mentioned – and does not arise from Biden’s participation in the joint statement – related to criticism of the Trump government. “The two leaders discussed the second democracy summit currently underway and pledged to cooperate to strengthen democratic institutions and good governance practices in the region,” the US government said at the start of the meeting, referring to climate change. Energy and “reforming multilateral development banks to better respond to global challenges” were also discussed.

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He said that “President Fernandez’s visit to the White House was a success, and the idea of ​​the United States is to work with this government, hold elections, and continue to work with the next Argentine government.” Nation Louis Maria SavinoPresident of the Center for American Studies. Present in the United States during the presidential tour and without referring to Fernandez’s statements, Savino highlighted the work of the ambassadors Mark Stanley And Jorge Arguello In the meeting’s investigation, he stressed that US interests “run through condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, respect for human rights, control of the waterway and 5G” — those last two issues, central to the diplomatic and trade dispute with China.

What he said nonsense. No president can count on and bargain with another the way he did. It is irresponsible and anti-diplomatic in all its essenceHe stated to Nation Ex-adviser George Faure. As for the diplomat, he added, “There are issues that do not count out of prudence, even less than mockery of a former president who today is still the leader of the opposition.”

Alberto Fernandez, during his interview with Thomas Raybord

In the same sense, the former official and secretary of international relations for the pros, Fulvio Pompeo, called the statements “unfortunate” and allowed himself to “doubt” the validity of the statements that Fernandez attributes to Biden against Trump. One of the good things Campemos left to Argentina is its foreign policy. “This government destroyed it,” Pompeo, minister for strategic affairs during Macri’s four years at the Casa Rosada, said.

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During the report with Thomas Raybord, Fernandez Cafiero and Minister of Economy, Sergio MassaHe also said “witnesses” to Biden’s statements during the bilateral meeting last Wednesday in Washington. “He always reiterates that we have one thing in common: We inherited a muddled economy from those who came before us in government, and that’s why he gets me,” said the president. “He is very clear about the similarities between Macri and Trump, he fully understands the bond that they have and that they have, and that the debt that Argentina is taking on was Trump’s decision in favor of his friend Macri,” the president said. When asked by the interviewer, and referring to this last sentence, Fernandez explained that “on this occasion” they did not speak in such terms.

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Sacha Woodward

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