This is how artists orchestrate to create their own amazing effects

The audiovisual sector is at a turning point. Although the numbers of viewers going to cinemas in our country saw a slight recovery in 2022, the emergence of platforms such as Netflix, HBO, or Prime Video Introduce the public to the big screen.

In return now More content is being consumed than ever before, even at homeTechnological progress allows its producers to create visual effects You see (1982), the first film in which special effects were created by computer, Hardly Imaginable.

Superheroes, fantastic beings, dinosaurs, and worlds to explore are all part of the collective imagination without any of this actually existing.. Those responsible for giving life to the creations that arise from the minds of screenwriters and directors are studios such as Cinesite, which in 2021 celebrated its 30th anniversary.

[La reconversión de la industria del cine: del cinematógrafo al cine inmersivo]

During this time they have produced over 200 titles, including films and series for film, television and online platforms. flowAnd Giving life to characters and creating scenarios with visual effects (commonly referred to as VFX) and large-scale animation. His award-winning productions include First Digital Effects on golden eyefrom the James Bond saga, to Oscar and BAFTA nominations yield Or the second season of the magician.

The growing demand for content has caused Cinesite to grow rapidly in recent years and Since 2012 they have combined seven new studies. It now operates in the UK, Canada, Germany, Serbia, Macedonia and India.

Extensive animation and coordination

This growth means Coordination of hundreds of artists involved in each project from different locations and distributing workloads to complete them quickly and efficiently, which requires tight control over the different versions of each of the elements that make up the frameworks you work on.

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To do this, and because of the volume of data they are currently dealing with, they needed a solution capable of supporting the increasingly demanding requirements. “The nature of modern visual effects and animation requires that we be able to work effectively on a large scale.. “Our previous solution, designed a few years ago, when we were all working under one roof, is no longer up to the task,” says Michel Chiollet, Cinesite’s CTO.

[La quinta mejor escuela de animación 3D del mundo es española y su talento ya nutre a Sony Pictures o Illumination]

For a few weeks, the person in charge It guarantees the scalability, performance, and reliability that these entertainment studios have been looking forIt’s the base of the couch. The database provider has also achieved this “without the need for extensive and costly transformation”, as Chief Technology Officer Ravi Mayuram explains to R + i.

Artists work on a variety of projects, from high-end television series to feature films to animated titles. It’s real Collaborative art forms in which hundreds of artists workgenerating thousands of iterations and hundreds of terabytes of data.”

With this business model, every artist should be able to quickly make changes to a shot, character, or animation. Then review and update them as necessary Ensure that every change is recorded in all locations To ensure a consistent final product.

In sectors such as visual effects and animation, where projects may consist of Thousands of elements in tens or hundreds of thousands of framesAs changes occur up to the launch date, the ability to coordinate staff across all locations to deliver work on time and to a high quality is essential,” says Couchbase Director.

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Synchronized and secure data

From the company, they explained that the capabilities of inter-data center replication (XDCR) will allow Cinesite to deploy geographically distributed applications, with high availability in any environment (at workor public and private cloud or hybrid cloud) f Synchronize the activity of your projects regardless of their size. They ensure that with their ability to provide redundancy, data is protected against failures or “catastrophic” situations.

“Instead of keeping a production confined to one studio, it can be done on a large scale between two studios or on a small scale with an artist contributing a few hours to a project from another location,” says Mayoram. Studios that work on different elements of the same shot, such as character animations, background effects, or lighting, can make sure that All of his work blends seamlessly into the final frame“, Add.

This availability of data in near real time to all professionals who contribute to production is not without risk, in addition to being subject to very strict regulations. Protection of copyright and intellectual property rights. Something Couchbase guarantees with multiple levels of encryption that protects data whether at rest, in transit, or in process “to meet a wide range of regulatory requirements.”

“Data grows exponentially and is shared across the organization with diverse teams requiring access to different subsets of data. As tasks and priorities change, so do access needs.says Couchbase’s CTO.

Movie scenes from the saga Harry Potter or who The Avengers brought to life within these studios, in addition to series such as Lost in space also A stranger from home. And all to create worlds that exist only in the imagination of a few, to make them come true Generate feelings among those on the other side of the screen.

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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