How to use a QR code to connect to Wifi

Mobile phones can use QR codes to connect to Wi-Fi

Although the ability of mobile phones to access mobile data makes it easier to access Internet and use Applications, this is limited. To enjoy all the benefits that a cell phone has to offer, users need to have access to a Wi-Fi network security.

To join a Wi-Fi network at home or in a store, users They need to turn on this signal’s reception function, search for the ones that are available, select the signal they want to connect to, and then enter password. However, there is also another, more direct method that requires the use of a camera cell phone.

Currently, cell phones have a feature that allows this cameras It works as a scanner QR codes and accessing websites, downloading apps, and providing contact information, among other things activities Including network connection Wifi.

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the routers Installed in homes and in different places, and includes on the back of the device a QR code through which users can automatically connect to a network Internet firmware that you find in these places. This speed dial prevents users It goes through a search, but it does not eliminate the need to enter a password for backup communication.

Android and iOS phones can access private Wi-Fi networks using a QR code

On some cell phones, connecting to a Wi-Fi network, through the icon, will result in a file web page In particular where you will have to submit password facility or, failing that, what has been previously specified by the manufacturer. In the case of cell phones iPhoneA pop-up window will open over the file image camera The system will check if the user is sure to connect to this network.

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This mode of network access Wifi It can also be applied in those communications that are open to the public or that do not require a file password to pair with a device. However, although these may be useful or convenient for people who don’t want to use mobile dataNot recommended under any circumstances.

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Since these signals do not have a security key that limits access to others, anyone can connect to them, including potential cyber criminals. The main goal of these digital criminals is to directly enter the files affiliate deviceWhether it is a cell phone or a computer, to steal information such as access codes, credit card numbers, passwords of social networks, etc. or to introduce malware into them.

The ways to steal information are:

MitM: The perpetrator is located in the middle of the user’s connection and the network to take, read and modify the information that passes there.

Public Wi-Fi networks are dangerous for users.

Data upload: It is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that the attacker has the ability to analyze and filter sensitive information.

Download malware: Data Bypass, the criminal focuses on distributing a virus that will allow him to take control of the device in the future and steal data.

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The best way to ensure that you are not a victim of this kind of attacksis that users do not connect to these networks, but if they are required, it is preferable to link to public networks that have some degree of encryption. This can be checked when connected and go to the Wifi properties there should be a section that says “Security Type” which should say it is WPA also WPA2ensuring that it is a secure connection.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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