Tips for improving work well-being and mental health at work

Over the past few years, mental health has taken on a fundamental role in the agenda of organizations. Pay attention to emotional health while developing employee skillsToday, it is understood as the only way to think about a sustainable future.

So much so that the Qualtrics report mentioned it Nearly 70% of Millennials and 81% of Generation Z reported that they quit their jobs for mental health reasons. Under these conditions, organizations have begun to pay special attention to these variables, as they inevitably have a clear impact on the performance of their human capital and, consequently, their business.

“To improve productivity and favor a more inclusive environment, companies must do so Changes involving emotional well-being Mental health in its practices and benefits. This transformation includes measures that must be targeted Not only for HR fields, but also for organization leaders So that they gain accurate knowledge of the topic and can generate interventions that promote emotional health,” says Dr. Maria Rocca, Director of INECO.

Thus, it is necessary to understand the importance of today for young people to work in companies with organizational cultures that support this idea, and as company leaders, to promote it. In this sense, Roca reviewed Three basic tips that an organization should take into account for the development of well-being From their teams:

Pay attention to the importance of mental health

Training leaders and HR professionals on this topic, along with the contribution of science to identifying relevant frameworks, are the main tools an organization has at its disposal to put mental health care on the agenda.

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In this line, three main pillars are recognized: Physical well-being, mental well-being and communication with others. Thus, it is important to find well-being programs that have scientific validity and rigor as the interventions that are implemented have proven to be effective in improving the development of the well-being of individuals.

Provide support spaces for employees who may be having trouble with their emotional health

When it comes to mental health, it is important that organizations make it easy Support Spaces That’s where people can go when they notice their stress levels are rising or something isn’t right.

These spaces should contribute to the creation of individual public and emotional health plans that enhance human capital.

Promote a healthy work culture and create programs that promote emotional well-being

It is important that during working hours Take care of the diet and incorporate healthy foods into the diet. It’s important too Don’t stay forever Sit, stretch, and take care of your posture; As well as pay attention to hours of sleep and rest.

The Develop new skills Such as emotional managementFocus, time management, focus and decision making must be part of a corporate culture that intends to prepare for an increasingly changing and uncertain future.

At the same time, Strengthening social relationships Among those who are part of the companies is a great contribution to happiness and cooperates extensively to Better stress management.

Source: INECO Foundation (by Dr. Maria Rocca, mental health specialist)

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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