The science behind the Señor de los Milagros: How much weight does each charger hold?

October is the time of year when faith takes over the streets of the capital to celebrate one of the most important religious figures in the country’s history. Its significance generates a large crowd of believers who arrive in Lima from different parts of Peru, as well as from abroad.

declared PThe nation’s cultural heritage By the Ministry of Culture, the Procession of the Lord of Miracles stands out for being a Catholic religious manifestation that is repeated in other cities of the world where Peruvian communities are located.

Among the figures that stand out in these ways are the incense burners that accompany the image of the ‘Lord of Tremors’, and the strength and devotion of the Brotherhood, made up of citizens carrying on their shoulders the majestic figure that passes through it. The main roads during the purple month.

The image of the master of miracles will not roam the streets of Lima for the second year in a row.  (Photo: Andean Agency)
The image of the master of miracles will not roam the streets of Lima for the second year in a row. (Photo: Andean Agency)

These are the members Brothers of the Lord of miracles in the NazarenesPachacamilla, an institution responsible for organizing and transporting the remains of Christ. They also collect incense burners, singers and honorary brothers.

An investigation by PUCP, which included the participation of Physicist Maria Elena Lopezexplaining the total weight of the walker that goes out in the procession, as well as the main characteristics which must be possessed by the men who are responsible for carrying it on their shoulders.

The professional is referring to it The walking weight of the Lord of Miracles is between 900 and 990 kg. This weight must be distributed over 32 charging devices placed on the sides – and the central area – to generate balance, preventing the image from falling as it moves.

(Gustavo Gavotti)
(Gustavo Gavotti)

If it were 900 kilograms, the average weight that 32 people carrying in total would correspond to 25 1/4 kilograms. And if it is 990, then they will each be about 30 kilograms. ”

He pointed out that this weight distributed to each person will be reasonable, taking into account safety and general recommendations.

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The structure, which is more than 4 meters high. Mahogany and silver are some of the materials that make up the base where the image of the Lord of miracles is placed.

(Gustavo Gavotti)
(Gustavo Gavotti)

Lopez describes some characteristics that a person who will be part of the group that will carry the large podium should have. In the case of men, Weighs at least 60 kilogramsWho is not very skinny, in addition to being in perfect sanitary conditions.

The consulted specialist assessed the weight of each of the components and calculated their approximate total weight. Given these values, Each Brotherhood charger will carry 30.9 kilos.

This information allows us to understand why they are not able to take accelerated steps and the need to follow the same rhythm to maintain balance, as well as prevent some elements from detaching due to harsh movements.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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