Thanksgiving in Canada: Why is it celebrated on the second Monday in October and how was it made? | Thanksgiving Day | tdex | revtli | the answers

did you know Canada She has her own Thanksgiving Day? The maple leaf country has a celebration similar to that of the United States, with a different date and origin, as well as introducing other customs.

For example, Thanksgiving family dinners in Canada often include turkey and pumpkin pie. however, There are special dishes in each areaLike a butter tartlet from Ontario or a roast with mashed peas from Newfoundland.

On the other hand, although Thanksgiving is a public holiday in Canada, In areas like New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, employers are not required to pay their workers for that day off.

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Below we tell you in more detail about this celebration, such as its origins and traditions.

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in Canada?

For the first three decades, this holiday was celebrated on November 6, but since 1908 it is celebrated every second Monday of October. In this sense, 2022 will be a holiday next Monday, October 10.

How did Thanksgiving Day come to Canada?

By platform The first Thanksgiving in North America was held in Canada at 1578when the English explorer Martin Frobisher arrived in Newfoundland and wanted to thank him for completing a safe journey across the ocean.

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The English crown sent Frobisher to find a way to northwest China, but he never found his way because he reached the shores of Canada.

According to historians, the explorer and his crew enjoyed a large banquet upon their arrival on Canadian soil.

However, in general 1859And the The Protestant Church asked the Canadian government to set aside an official day to thank God for the crops, while facing a crisis of faith on Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. Soon, the religious event became a celebration of Canadian identity, but it took many traditions from the American version.

Initially, this festival was held in the middle of the week. however, In 1908, railway workers lobbied for it to be held on Mondays so they could take a long weekend. His goal was to encourage train travel among people who would visit their families during the holiday.

It wasn’t even 1957 That it was officially decided, by federal law, to celebrate Thanksgiving The second Monday of October every year.

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Differences between US and Canada Thanksgiving

  • In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October, while in the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
  • Canada celebrates the voyage of explorer Frobisher in 1578, and in the United States the work of Native Americans helping pilgrims get food in Massachusetts in 1621 is remembered.
  • In the United States, Thanksgiving became a national holiday in 1789, while in Canada Thanksgiving became official nearly a century later.
  • Turkey is a dish that is not lacking in any Thanksgiving celebration. But in Canada, other dishes are added, such as Jiggs dinner and butter tartlet.
  • In the United States, one day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday is held, the day with the largest number of offers in stores in the country. However, this did not happen in Canada, because the day of promotions par excellence is Boxing Day, which takes place on December 26.
  • Canadian holidays are smaller than American holidays. Residents gather as a family and enjoy sporting shows and events, but on a smaller scale. In addition, most people choose to organize celebrations on Saturday or Sunday and take advantage of Monday to rest before returning to work.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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