She heard a noise, recorded herself in her sleep, and what she found terrified her

Pink Girls Known In networks like Tweet embed And the last time he managed to achieve unexpected fame. Her TikTok account has always been, for her, a social network like no other I didn’t expect to be involved in a viral event But just to show the things you love and enjoy doing. However, a little curiosity revealed a situation that inadvertently traveled around the world and that today has become the subject of debate and discussion on the Internet.

It all started with a text. In order to publish it, he had to put music on it, which is why it can be found on TikTok. There, I reported something unusual: I downloaded a file apps To hear myself snoring at night and end up hearing a voice telling me to kill myself And other terrible things. I thought it was a ghost so I put a camera in my room. It turns out that my mother would come to my bed and say things in my sleep.”

The first form, a text with music, roughly tells what happened; The viral outbreak led her to expand and tell the whole storyCapture TikTok: rosiduh

Although the text is quite revealing – Puts an end to the paranormal mystery – He has a story behind that achieved a larger scale than the event itself. The young woman told her followers what was happening as well as giving them a little warning for the future, and in return, she shared a screenshot of the video showing her mother-in-law talking to her while she was sleeping.

Without revealing the names of those involved and in a series of videos, Rosa recounted what happened. According to him, his mother-in-law has other children who are younger and beyond I got out of prison and had nowhere to go, So he went to live with Rosa and her partner in their house. Although they get along well on a daily basis, the problem arises when you sleep. “I found an ad for these apps To record you in your sleep and when I used it I started hearing whispers in my ear saying things like “You’re so ugly” and “I hate you” and other worse things I don’t want to say, narrated by him.

The young woman showed a hidden camera shot in her room and showed her mother-in-law humiliating her at night
The young woman showed a hidden camera shot in her room and showed her mother-in-law humiliating her at nightCapture TikTok: rosiduh

However, according to Rosa, the problem is their relationship With her youngest four-year-old daughter, And not with the woman’s other son, her boyfriend. “I thought there was a ghost in my house, she was so nice to me. One day I saw her on camera come into my room and she started insulting me, I didn’t have the app turned on so I couldn’t hear what she was saying. I don’t want to tell him anything because he just got out of prison He says he misses his daughter and wants to make up for a lot of lost time, I think that’s why.”

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“I don’t want to tell my boyfriend because he sure kicks her out and I don’t want to do that to her or the boys, they have nowhere else to go. Beyond all of this, everything is fine and I am fine. I don’t think anything will happen to me Because she really is a good person, she doesn’t say that to my face,” he also passed judgment and recalled a previous episode in which the woman warned him that she was inclined to do that kind of thing. Facing the end, though he assured that nothing would happen to him, he told his followers so Something is wrong, post the video.

Freddie Dawson

"Beer specialist. Award-winning tv enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total social media junkie. Gamer. Amateur writer. Creator."

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