The medical profession in Bariloche has determined how it will select its 50 students

The Andean Headquarters of the National University of Rio Negro (UNRN) has already fine-tuned the details for managing the admission and admission system for the medical profession, which will be released next year in Bariloche, which will – by all indications – produce a The interest is much higher than the available quota of 50 vacancies.

The opening of the new academic proposal was announced last Tuesday, and on that day it was reported Online registration will be available starting today, December 1But at the university they decided to apply before the massive amount of consultations and only 55 people registered on the first day.

Race Coordinator German jawarsky, explained that the numbers are very preliminary because so far it is a “pre-record”, and then Each interested party must complete it by sending documents, including a high school diploma.

Same thing at university They calculated that the final number of applicants to study medicine in Bariloche could be up to ten times the places available.

Contrary to what happens with other professions, in this case There will be no unrestricted income. The same restriction applies to other universities that offer medicine in the rest of the country. Guareschi noted that this is due to a “very specific characteristic” of the profile and Conditions for a future course that includes a personal educational relationship “at the rate of one teacher for every 6 or 8 students”.

Regarding the acceptance cycle, he said that from the coordination under his mandate, they are ready for “different scenarios”. Can request responses for 200 registered volume, 400 or up to 600. “We are waiting for the final number to form the committees,” he said.

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The The entry course will start on February 1, and will consist of four phases And it will last about 45 days. The official spelling of the race will begin, as planned, on March 21.

Gorsky indicated that the course will be divided into four stages. The first will be General Introduction Module “University Life”, which is common to all races. Then those who enter medicine will have A specific two-week face-to-face course, with fieldwork and content already geared to a ‘community’ profile planned for the race. In the end they have to submit a paper about it.

Those who comply with this part will enter The third unit is called “Discipline” Guareschi Additions, where they will receive initial training in areas of knowledge that are essential to a profession such as applied mathematics and biology for health, health and society.

I crossed that stage Newcomers will be evaluated on the basis of ‘non-cognitive aspects’Through multiple interviews focused on measuring competency for teamwork, responsibility and critical thinking. “It is something similar to what is applied in other universities and it responds to internationally approved model.Coordinator said.

Only then will the final list of entrants be created, which the university must adjust to a limit of 50 people.

Guareschi said that Theoretical lessons will be held “in a purpose-built apartment” at the United Nations Headquarters in this city, which operates in a rented building on Miter Street. Although there will already be from the first year Practices that will lead students to direct contact with the hospital and health centers.

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Teaching team

At the same time planning the student admission mechanism, UNNN has begun work on selecting teachers for the medical profession. Guareschi said that in recent months a A pre-educational adaptation course aimed at interested professionals, attended by 160 prospective teachers They finished it 75.

According to the forecast, in the next six years, with the profession fully operational, It will be necessary to integrate between 90 and 100 teachers.

According to the Coordinator, the profile on this amalgamation is not only for physicians of various specialties, but will also be necessary (and this was reflected among course participants) nursing graduates, kinesiologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists.

Guareschi stated that The Bachelor of Nursing degree from Universidad del Comaho in Bariloche takes about 300 new students each year and serves as a standard. He calculated that admission to medicine at UNNN could generate significant interest in the early years for what he described as a “retained application”, but after that it would tend to settle down. Regarding the origin of the students, they expect that the new UNNN proposal will attract interested parties from the mountain pass and the southern region of the Rio Negro.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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