Wellcorp shares its latest news: Corporate Wellness

Additionally, Wilcorp has produced Changing is Human, a podcast on corporate wellness that opens up a conversation about ways in which corporate policies can Be careful The emotional and physical embrace of the company can change the lives of its employees.

The alliance with Neomente aims to integrate technologies and data with the goal of creating a mental health environment within companies: Wellcorp’s customized wellness programs will be integrated with the Neomente technology platform.

This pairing will serve as a foundation and allow companies to promote a healthy cultural change for employees, as well as display a quick visualization of their mental well-being map. This makes it possible to easily access both to diagnose problems and to identify opportunities within the company.


audio notation

Change is Human, the podcast, is the product of Wellcorp’s initiative to reflect on the current complex and shifting context, in which plans, demands, and expectations have been modified. Together with corporate health and wellness professionals and members of the scientific community, Wellcorp developed Changing is Human, a corporate wellness article that discusses how the company’s policies for emotional and physical care can change the lives of its employees.

In four episodes, Federico Katsicas, Director a job The company’s businesses, and Luciano Corvalan, commercial director, reflect new business models and the growing role that data technology has acquired in health management. Convinced of the potential for a paradigm shift in the corporate world, the hosts invite recognized voices to debate and exchange views on what’s new. trends.

Each ring passes through a certain axis

  • In the first, the topic is emotional well-being, understood as a taboo in the corporate world that the pandemic has helped dismantle.
  • The topic of the second episode is Healthy Habits and covers the issue of how companies can promote and benefit from behavioral change for their employees.
  • Chapter 3 works on empathy for the company and explores the forms of employee well-being in business models that have emerged in the new normal.
  • The final episode proposes an approach to data technology and big data.
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Among the specialist voices, Walter Sosa Escudero, graduate of economics, researcher at CONICET and professor at the University of San Andreas stands out; Dolores Cardona and Gabriella Nielsen, founders of Neomente; Cecilia Giordano, CEO, Mercer Latin America; Sergio Veron and Adrian Cormelo, Chief of Physical Activity and Clinical Physician and Coordinator at Dr. Alberto Cormelot’s Clinic for Health and Nutrition, respectively.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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