The accessory on the shirt Luis Lacalle Pou used during his speech at the United Nations as a gesture to the Uruguayan countryside

He was wearing a white shirt, and a tie with dark blue and off-white stripes. The suit was dark black, albeit a dark blue one. Despite the fact that this is what was captured in all the photos, there was an accessory that no one saw. EFE / EPA / Justin Lane

After his Cilac tour, Louis Lacalle Poe went to New York to meet investors and deliver his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

He was wearing a white shirt, and a tie with dark blue and off-white stripes. The suit was dark black, albeit a dark blue one. Although this is what all the pictures were taken, There was an appendix that no one saw.

Journalist Alejandro Figueiredo Lacal Poe followed on his trip to the US and detailed in a tweet: The president was wearing a pair of Cufflinks on his funky shirt sleeves.

Journalist Alejandro Figueiredo Lacalle Poe followed up on his trip to the US and detailed in a tweet.
Journalist Alejandro Figueiredo Lacalle Poe followed up on his trip to the US and detailed in a tweet.

Cufflinks are usually made of metal, some have studs or designs, and some are usually made of fabric. Those of Lacalle Pou were made of A material associated with the traditions of the countryside and the deep interior of the country and gauchos. His twins were beautiful.

If in Uruguay and Argentina they are referred to as “twins”, elsewhere in Latin America they say “choleras”, “dumbles”, “mancornillas” and “untas” in Puerto Rico and Venezuela or “yogos” in Cuba. Your goal is to attach the four shirt cuffs to the end of each double bracelet.

The origin of these accessories is as old as the use of the shirt, but Probably the one who made it fashionable was Louis XVI with his “cufflinks”., as they were called at that time. At that time, cufflinks consisted of two buttons that were joined between the bracelets by a chain. Over time they have become symbols of good time and good taste in men’s clothing and even jewelry.

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It was a gift given by Martin Nascimento, a craftsman from the province of Tacuarimbo in the northeast of the country. Lacale Boo wore it as a way of thanking the gesture, and obviously, As a way to take home over the rest of the world.

It was a gift given by Martin Nascimento, a craftsman from the province of Tacuarimbo in the northeast of the country.
It was a gift given by Martin Nascimento, a craftsman from the province of Tacuarimbo in the northeast of the country.

Figueiredo reported on social networks that he had a “colorful story” to announce and attached a photo of the twins. The reactions were on Twitter Both applause for the president and criticism and questioning. They even wondered why a journalist should write about such a fine detail in Lacalle Pou’s clothes.

How was the speech?

On Wednesday, September 22, the President of the Republic, Louis Lacalle Poe, delivered his address at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Among the various topics he referred to, he talked about how the pandemic changed the entire world without making a difference between countries. Regardless of size, economy or development, the pandemic has exposed the inequalities and differences in each country. “As well as the democratic quality and advocacy of freedom for various governments and societies,” he said.

The call was there too “responsible freedom” To which the Uruguayan president turned to deal with the epidemic in his country, which was his criterion when choosing a voluntary quarantine. Our country, Uruguay, has a tremendous democratic vocation, and a very important appreciation for individual freedom. Freedom is the purest state of the individual. What has been demonstrated in this pandemic, if necessary, is that unequal access to tools means that freedom can be enjoyed in different ways. And that dichotomy, a false dichotomy between state existence and individual freedom, has fallen to the ground. Moreover, in countries where the state plays a protective role well, the most vulnerable individuals can access the tools necessary to exercise their freedom,” he declared.

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Freddie Dawson

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