Michelle Bachelet calls for the lifting of “sectoral sanctions” on Venezuela | The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights denounced the “deteriorating humanitarian and economic situation.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle BacheletAnd He called on all countries that have “sectoral sanctions” against Venezuela to lift them Because it exacerbated the precarious economic and social situation of the population. However, Bachelet did not mention the lifting of the personal sanctions that burden various members of Nicolas Maduro’s executive branch. The Venezuela’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Highlight it the report to the High Commissioner “Reaffirms the devastating effects of unilateral coercive measures” It directly mentions those “adopted by the Government of the United States of America against the State as of 2014.” Reiterating one of his usual criticisms, Bachelet rejected the “intimidation” and “criminalization” of social activists, a complaint the Venezuelan government described as “unfounded allegations”.

Rejection of sanctions against Venezuela

Bachelet provided a summary of his office’s latest report on Venezuela at the opening of the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, highlighting that sanctions have increased the impact of the pandemic in the country. “The pre-existing humanitarian and economic situation has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and sectoral sanctions., which limits access to basic services. I reiterate my call for the lifting of these sanctions.”

Sanctions prohibit transactions with companies believed to be involved in activities deemed illegal on behalf of the governmentand, in the case of Venezuela, it mainly affects entities in the oil and mining sector. In the Bachelet office report, countries were asked to maintain their humanitarian aid to Venezuela, particularly in connection with the pandemic, and to ensure the equitable distribution of vaccines, which were widely available in the countries. Rich at the expense of the poor.

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Bachelet also noted that the economic and social programs implemented in recent years have failed to raise the level of income which is still “significantly low”, “insufficient to ensure a decent standard of living”. In this sense, he called for the strengthening of basic services, “particularly for the most vulnerable,” and He lamented the “lack of public data to adequately monitor and inform public policies.”.

In another section of the document, Bachelet was confident that “Ongoing political dialogue in Mexico It can lead to feasible solutions and translate it into greater progress for the protection of human rights.” In addition, the former Chilean president expressed it again Concern about “additional restrictions and persistent reports of intimidation and criminalization of human rights defenders and union leaders for their legitimate activities.

Another recurring demand of the HRO is police and judicial reforms, to which Bachelet added on this occasion a Call for the “full release of all arbitrarily detained”. This was confirmed by the former Chilean president 152 people have been released since June 2020 Within the framework of common issues through cooperation mechanisms.

Venezuela’s reaction

Venezuela takes note of the report With regard to the state of economic, social and cultural rights in the country and the cooperative relations between the Venezuelan state and the said office,” reads a statement published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Felix Plasencia’s portfolio confirms, As a result of the sanctions, there was a “99 percent drop in national income.”, as well as there are elements to consider it These actions mean crimes against humanityin accordance with the provisions of the Rome Statute.

On the other hand, The Venezuelan government considers it “unfortunate that the aforementioned report” reproduces what it considers to be “methodological flaws found in previous documents”. By incorporating “unsupported assertions that have not been duly verified with State authorities”. In this sense, Venezuela rejects the “false assertions contained in the report about cases of alleged arbitrary detention or persecution for exercising or defending human rights, which it frames” in The political scenario of those who took advantage of this to attack Venezuela.”.

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The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the government will continue to “cooperate” with the United Nations “Based on respect for the truth, principles of objectivity, non-selectivity, impartiality, non-interference in internal affairs and constructive dialogue as a mechanism that allows for raising the reality of Venezuela before this situation.” For this reason, it hasAgreed to renew the letter of understanding between Venezuela and the Office of the High Commissioner for one yearIncreasing the presence of office officials in the country and expanding the areas of technical assistance and cooperation.

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