Abusing attendance creates chaos in the workplace

In the United States, most service companies – of all types – have a major problem, providing the attention they used to give or at least the minimum necessary to avoid the constant complaints of millions of customers. The main reason is that all the institutions lack trained staff, so they had to turn to the inexperienced staff in many areas. And what are the reasons? Basically the pandemic and the financial support provided by the government to boost the economy.

According to the latest Employment Report, 9.6 million people are out of work, but at the same time there are 9.3 million job opportunities available. Walking the streets of any American city, one realizes the huge number of signs with job offers.

Since last year, with the onset of the health crisis and the risks involved in going to the workplace, many people have left their jobs and benefited from federal and state support programs that partially covered their basic needs, currently causing a labor shortage, job offers are at record levels In recent weeks there has been chaos in work and service.

Despite the fact that the vaccination campaign in the United States has covered more than 60 percent of the population and little by little business is starting to return to normal, many workers still fear infection and do not return to their jobs, and some prefer to continue “ Enjoy the generous financial support and many who wish to return to work are faced with the problem of not finding someone to take care of their children, as many care parks or people dedicated to this task have closed or do not want to risk infection once the health crisis is not controlled.

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Recently, Jerem Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Heidi Scherholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, and Ben Gates, an economist at the Center for Bipartisan Policy, noted during a press conference on the country’s economy, the implications that federal economic aid — which It is still being granted so far – which, on the one hand, has helped maintain the family’s income, but on the other hand, has caused an “accessibility” dependency to cover basic needs that has hurt the business, which suffers from reclaiming the employees they had – even before closing Work due to the pandemic – and who have been properly trained.

Since July, at least a handful of states have decided to eliminate economic unemployment benefits, and special federal aid is about to expire, in addition to protecting renters who have been protected to prevent them from complying with their rent payment, which is expected to encourage people who preferred to remain in the comfort of public assistance to return to the job.

Economic assistance has played a very important role in keeping the American economy afloat, but has unfortunately led – by many – to the misuse of utility, causing severe impact on the quality and interest of business services. what do you think?


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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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