Does dark chocolate help you sleep better?

Stress and fatigue are conditions that people face on a daily basis which, in many cases, are the result of long working hours. The most common signs of stress are persistent tiredness and physical and mental exhaustion, which are symptoms that occur when the stress of work and activities of daily living get out of control.

Health professionals explain that some of the causes of stress are related to the need for constant contact, work pressure due to the high level of competitiveness and aspects related to personal finance. To combat these effects and not suffer from cavities, experts recommend eating some chocolate before bed.

a study Conducted by the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge in the UK and published in the prestigious journal Nature, it was revealed that eating small amounts of dark chocolate helps you sleep better at night, thanks to its content of magnesium, an essential nutrient that helps regulate the biological clock. This is responsible for various bodily functions, such as sleeping, waking and regulating body temperature, according to study officials.

In addition, the magnesium in chocolate also controls energy expenditure and its presence in cells contributes to the metabolism process so that it is more efficient at converting nutrients into “fuel” throughout the day.

“Eating one ounce of chocolate before going to bed will help us sleep better and uninterrupted throughout the night, because, according to experts, it acts on the nervous system and stimulates the release of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. Our brain secretes this hormone to regulate certain bodily needs such as Healthy sleep,” explains Santiago Peralta, founder of Baccari, an Ecuadorean chocolate brand that uses 100% organic ingredients.

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Peralta states, “The health benefits of chocolate are greatest when cocoa is organic and its concentration is high, which leads to other benefits such as hydration and skin care. In addition, the Ecuadorean entrepreneur points out that organic bars have a double benefit: nutritional and ecological. For example, no Pacari bars use dairy products, cane sugar or vegetable substitutes.For this reason, in addition to preserving the healthy properties of cocoa, they also contribute to caring for the environment.

Terry Alexander

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