Seven superfoods to burn fat and get a flat stomach

when Belly Plano NS burning Fats It is possible with some foods. Many people try different ways to get there, but to no avail. Taking into account these foods and some tips that you can achieve effectivelyWith this you will improve your Health and your lifestyle.

How many times have certain foods felt heavy for us, caused us to have gas and caused us to have a slow and heavy digestion process. around it, Estrella Pujol The director of the Oxigen Aesthetic Center in Barcelona, ​​who specializes in diagnosing and developing individual programs for topical weight and fat loss, explained that “if you do not suffer from any kind of allergy or food intolerance, The most common cause of this discomfort is poor food choices, along with a poor meal routine: hours later, no time to talk, less chewing.”

Bearing in mind that in addition to burning fat is essential Get rid of gases to empty the airI recommend being careful with the fibres. Although it is important to introduce enough into the diet to promote intestinal transit, it should not be done excessively or increased abruptly, as it may eventually lead to the generation of more gas.

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Elimination of gas is necessary to achieve a flat stomach.

People with this kind of problem should consume the ripe and peeled fruits. And the most suitable to comply with this are pears, peaches, melons, watermelons, kiwis, papaya and pineapples. On the contrary, bananas, grapes, and raisins have the opposite effect.

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Foods that burn fat

All of this stimulates the metabolism and helps burn fat that accumulates in the abdomen, which contains active ingredients that slow down the digestion process.

Artichoke or artichoke. A diuretic plant that helps to lose weight and purify the body because it prevents fluid retention, eliminates fat and stimulates our metabolism thanks to its high content of fiber and cynarin, a substance that aids digestion.

lentil: Its high iron content facilitates fat burning. It also provides a good amount of vitamins B12 and B3 which also help in burning fat.

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green tee: It contains antioxidant polyphenols that help burn white fat, which usually accumulates in the abdomen. To be most effective you have to drink four cups a day, in leaves and without sugar.

Cayenne: The spice generally increases body temperature which increases calorie consumption to regulate temperature and helps burn fat. In addition, hot pepper works on belly fat due to its capsaicin content.

spinach: In addition to reducing appetite and increasing the feeling of satiety, it acts as a fat burner thanks to the thylakoids present in its leaves, which slows down the digestion of fats.

Arendano: Helps fight the formation of fat cells thanks to polyphenols that help protect the liver and reduce fat.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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