The woman was immunized with two doses of Moderna in Bedequista, Santander

A woman receives her dose of COVID-19 at an organized vaccination point in Medellin. Photo: Ministry of Health of Medellin

A 20-year-old woman from Santander has revealed a new case of medical negligence at a mass vaccination center in the country. The case occurred on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 11th, when the young woman approached the Pedequista vaccination center, where she… They immunized her with two doses of Moderna which should be a single dose vaccine.

The young woman recounted what happened to inform the regional vanguard, and explained that although the vaccination of young people between 20 and 24 years began until Saturday, she has approached the mass vaccination center with a friend, since then. The headquarters opened on vaccination day for people over 20 years old.

He explained that when he quit his job he arrived at the vaccination site and filled out the entry form, after which he sat down to wait his turn. What the regional media indicated was that the arrivals split into groups of five, and that his group was the last group waiting to be immunized.

The young woman revealed that there are white and green chairs, at first they put those waiting their turn and in the green seats that have already been vaccinated. One of the nurses on the premises called her and gave her her Mi Vacuna card, she had already filled up, and they immediately applied a dose of Moderna.

I arrived and there were two nurses. I showed my ID and card, Then the nurse took the vaccine and gave me and told me to go to the green chairs‘, the woman crossed over to regional media.

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Although it was already in the chairs of people who had already received the vaccine, The young woman said that it was not two minutes after the first vaccination, when the other nurse called her. “I thought they would ask me if I felt dizzy, if I felt bad, because on the green chairs we were the ones who already vaccinated,” he explained.

But what she expected did not happen, it turns out that this nurse asked her for some information and made her sign a document, something that the previous illness did not do. “The first nurse didn’t ask me for the same data, I filled out my data with the second nurse,” explained a 20-year-old from Santander.

Then the nurse forced her to sit up again and went to the fridge to look for a new vaccine, and despite the young woman’s confusion, the nurse told her she should give her another dose. When the second nurse got the other vaccine I told her: Wait, are they vaccines? She replied that there are two vaccines. Before that she had already asked me and checked my card. She put the vaccine under the other, told me to take acetaminophen and told me I could get off.”

The Santander woman explained that she trusted the nurse and believed that what they were giving her was a kind of booster for the vaccine. Leaving the place, the woman started talking to her friend and other people, and there she learned that she had only taken two doses of the same biological germ.

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“I came home, took acetaminophen as the nurse told me, had a slight dizziness at dawn, and at the moment only my arm hurts,” the woman and the media said. , where you can see the two marks left by the two doses.

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She noted that the vaccination center called her the next day after they realized her mistakeSo they called her to check it out. In addition, they inform you that due to the error, they will constantly monitor you.

Regional media contacted the Health Secretariat of Bidquista and from the entity who explained that “when such a situation occurs, the guideline states that the Prison Service must inform the Secretariat because they must monitor that person who has been vaccinated. Doubly, and if the person has been vaccinated Twice, they have to file a complaint because their health is affected.”

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