Yamana has been ranked as one of the top 50 companies in Canada

Mara’s Yamana Gold Company has been selected as one of Canada’s 50 Best Companies by the specialist publication Corporate Knights.

The company, which has had a continuous presence in Argentina for several years, was ranked 31st in the ranking and was the highest-ranked Canadian mining company. Recognition is made after a comprehensive assessment of measures of environmental, social, governance and economic factors.

The company’s sustainable management recognition covers both its headquarters in Toronto and its operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Canada. This is possible because each of the company’s assets operates in accordance with the guidelines of the world’s leading companies.

Prioritizing the health and well-being of its workers, caring for the environment, and creating shared benefits with host communities are essential components of all Yamana operations around the world.

The company’s portfolio includes operating mines such as Cerro Morro (Argentina), Minera Florida, El PeƱon, Jacopina and Malartec of Canada and projects in progress such as WASAMAC in Canada and MARA in Catamarca, Argentina.

Founded in 2002, Corporate Knights magazine is one of the world’s most widely read magazines, focusing on the interaction between business and sustainability. Rankings are available in the Top 50 Canadian companies, and the methodology used for ranking KPIs can be consulted in detail in Top 50: Methodology Overview.


Performance indicators
Among the performance indicators on which the assessment is based are:
Clean Income: The percentage of total income derived from products and services classified as “clean” in the CK rating.

Clean Investment: The percentage of total investment of assets classified as “clean” in the CK’s clean economy rating.

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Gender diversity in the board of directors/executives: the percentage of non-male board members and executives.

Ethnic diversity of the board of directors/executives: Percentage of racially diverse board members and executives

Sustainability Pay Link: Linked to the pay of at least one senior executive to performance objectives that address sustainability.

Ratio of Taxes Paid: Taxes paid in cash, as a percentage of EBITDA (operating income from financial services)

Financial fines: the total fines, penalties, and settlements as a percentage of revenue.

Energy/carbon/waste/waste productivity: Income in dollars per unit (GJ/ton/m3/ton of waste) from non-renewable energy consumption, direct/indirect CO2e, fresh water extraction, waste produced
VOC/NOx/SOx/Particle Yield: Income in dollars per ton of VOCs, NOx, SOx, and particulate emissions
CEO – the average salary of a worker – the amount of money the CEO is paid (expressed in multiples compared to the average worker)

Resource Ranking – Sustainability: Ranking the company’s largest resource by expense.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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